More fun awaited us as the bottom of the Eiffel Tower.
A double-decker carousel . . .
And an even more impressive trampoline (nice background too!)
And then we started to walk back to the hotel. (We had cabbed it there
after the main metro line was closed down for repairs.) We thought we'd
pass through this market, walk a few blocks, and then hop in a cab. But
as we walked along the Seine, Zoe got so excited about how good this
was for our muscles that we ended up walking the entire way back to the
hotel (by way of the Tulieries and the Louvre.) We walked 2.7 miles just
for fun. It will forever be known as the Muscle Walk. It was amazing. My
broken foot held up, Zoe never asked to be carried, Leah happily humored
her sister, and Peter made it a goofy good time.