Leah already loved the salad spinner, but it's even cooler
now that she can make it spin.
Leah is now 29" (95%) and 15 lbs. 14 ozs. (10%). The doctor
says she isn't worried about her weight, but then she told us to
put margarine on/in everything Leah eats. Yuck.
It was hard to pick the official birthday photo this month.
Here are some of our other favorites.
Leah has her check-up this afternoon, so we'll share her stats
(and many more birthday photos) tomorrow.
The green sparkly in the cracked door is Fagin's eye.
She loves him, but this is about as close as he lets her get.
We enjoyed a lovely Friday evening with Caroline and her family.
Leah has been pulling up for the last few days. It's just been difficult
to photograph because she was pulling up on me.
But this morning when I went in to get her out of bed . . .
She loves to play with them, but she has no interest in eating them.
A nice, older man came and put siding around our new backdoor.
Leah watched him work for more than an hour. He said,
"No girl has watched me that closely in many decades."
It took us a couple of months to get a picture of Leah's first two teeth. Ta-dah!
We're also proud to announce the arrival of a top tooth.
(Maybe that's why she got up 4 times last night.)
Leah went swimming for the first time on Tuesday. It was a success.
Peter and I went to Toronto this weekend for the lovely wedding of
our friends Jonathan and Julia. Leah stayed in Houston and enjoyed some
quality time with her Gramma.
Here Leah displays a can do attitude prior to our leaving. She was mostly
a delight, but she also took the opportunity to demonstrate her independence.
She decided that bottles were not her thing. Her dear Gramma fed her
breast milk with a spoon all weekend (a slow and messy process). So we
would like to thank Gramma for her can do attitude as well.
Who knew that plum and bananas would make such an effective hair gel?