Heather and Caleb brought a dress-up offering. You
could tell that Leah was thinking, "This is more like it!
Mommy is going to have to rethink those 'playclothes'
A short, but sweet visit with Uncle Caleb and Aunt Heather.
Rosa and Matt recently sent Leah a fabulous umbrella.
It goes on walks. It travels in her car. It wasn't allowed
to go to school though - mean Mommy.
Mommy was on an organizing kick this weekend. But when
I went for the purses Leah decided to take action. She carried
them all with her for the next couple of hours.
Leah selected this pink ensemble before admiring
herself in the mirror.
Leah primarily likes to exchange cards, but she already has a mean shuffle.
Having dinner with Alex, Caitlyn, and Katherine.
The after-dinner entertainment was a huge hit with Tinkerbell.
So I thought she might like the zoo's train better. I was mistaken.
Here is Leah's single happy train moment.
Leah got a bunch of fall clothes last week. She was so
excited that she kept requesting to change. She wore
one new ouftit, then another, then another . . .
Here she's modeling her favorite piece, polka-dot tights.
(She calls them boots.)
The recently arrived New Yorker had a Volkswagen ad
that has brought us hours of fun.
Leah's first train ride was through the Aquarium's shark exhibit.
She loves all things train, so we thought this would be a big hit.
But when we asked her if she liked the train, she responded,
"No. . . Loud." Fair enough.
In Houston Labor Day marks the start of the playground season
rather than the end.
Leah enjoyed watching the men's medley relay team on TV. (Who can
blame her?) She lay on the floor and did her version of the breast stroke
while shouting, "Swimming!"
Peter intended for Leah to ride in the stroller, but clearly
she had other plans. They did their whole walk this way.