I'm way behind, but here are two attempts at family photos from our
earlier zoo outing.
Zoe has been a bit of a mess lately -- waking up every hour during the night,
screaming for hours during the day, etc. But I pull out the camera (or take
her to the pediatrician) and she beams as if she's the happiest baby around.
I'm glad she knows how to work an audience.
Leah and the elephant checked each other out.
Zoe ignored the elephant but was entranced by her stroller strap.
When we went in to get Leah up this morning, she invited us to snuggle.
Zoe has shown little interest in moving so far. But
she recently has taken an interest in sitting and
standing. She doesn't have them mastered, but
she likes to practice.
When Leah holds Zoe I lose all ability to edit. So here is a bunch
of unedited cuteness.
Zoe was mesmerized by Leah's leotard-clad, acoustic performance
of Victor Vito.
This is more than a month old, but Zoe still loves her baths.
Leah doesn't really see it as sharing. She sees it more
as reclaiming what is rightfully hers.
In the car on the way to school this morning . . .
Leah: Daddy goes to work. I go to school. Mommy goes to stores.
We all have a job!
Laura: Ouch. What about Zoe?
Leah: Her job is to say, "Oh," and to cry.