July 31, 2008


If anyone needs some documents shredded . . .

Posted by Laura at 07:53 PM

July 30, 2008

Travel Companions

A few weeks ago we headed to the zoo where I rented a double stroller
for the girls. It was not a comfortable or secure choice.

Luckily, we were there with friends with a comfy bike trailer, double
strollery thing. We swapped kids. Finn and Zoe enjoyed each other's
company in the deluxe ride while Cole and Leah had access to the
rental stroller.

They opted out.

Posted by Laura at 09:04 PM

July 29, 2008

Back to Michigan


Posted by Laura at 07:42 PM

July 23, 2008

9 Months Old


Posted by Laura at 09:42 PM

July 22, 2008

Beware of Bocce

Aunts and Uncles patiently play bocce with Leah.

Peter looks in terror as the red ball flies straight up in the air.

Posted by Laura at 10:48 AM

July 20, 2008

Early Risers

Leah and Zoe conspired to make sure we got up early and often while
in Michigan. Here we were trying to delay the inevitable with a family

In other news, Zoe finally has a tiny sliver of bottom tooth!

Posted by Laura at 08:40 AM

July 19, 2008

Canoe Enthusiast

Leah was excited for her first canoe trip.

The Johnson and duck families enjoy the lake.

Leah was a fan. She went MANY times.

Posted by Laura at 07:50 AM

July 14, 2008

Zoe, Mommy, and a Paci

This picture is from our trip, but Zoe also has some big news
today. She started to move! She's not crossing rooms yet,
but she scooted at least 4 feet today in an attempt to eat Leah's
drawing pad. We're very proud!

Posted by Laura at 08:26 PM

July 13, 2008

Family Photo

We just got back from Michigan where we spent a fun week on the
lake. Thanks to Uncle Caleb for wading out into the lake to get the
right angle for one of our rare family photos.

Posted by Laura at 04:40 PM

July 03, 2008

Biscuit Lovers

We're a family that loves our biscuits!
Leah doesn't like many foods, but she always enjoys a biscuit with honey.

Zoe, on the other hand, seems to enjoy all food that she can get
her little hands on. Biscuits are no exception.

Posted by Laura at 08:21 AM

July 02, 2008

Zonked Z

Zoe is such a light sleeper that I don't ever get to see her asleep, and
I certainly can't flash in her face. But the other day she was totally
zonked, so I finally got a picture of her sleeping.

Posted by Laura at 10:21 AM

July 01, 2008


Zoe's not much of a mover, but the other day she seemed
to surprise herself by scooting backwards under the bar.

Proud of herself.

Posted by Laura at 08:30 AM