September 30, 2008

Happy birthday!

Peter likes pie for his birthday, but the peaches got delayed in the mail
and the pie wasn't going to be ready. Leah was thrilled because she
thinks Daddy's preference for pie is sacrilege. So she decided to make
him a stand-in cake. She did the whole thing (minus the oven part).
Peter was thrilled to get his white and pink, Valentine sprinkle-covered
cake. It was a little girl's dream!

Making Zingers with Daddy's new juicer. Citrus drinks and pink cake
were hard on my palate, but Leah and Peter were in heaven.

Posted by Laura at 09:12 PM

September 29, 2008

Lots of Mischief

Who me?

In the vacuum.

In the pantry.

In the toilet paper.

Lessons in going over the gate.

Posted by Laura at 03:18 PM

September 28, 2008

Picking Paint

Zoe likes to play with the paint samples. She's going to have a great eye
for beige.

Posted by Laura at 10:25 AM

September 27, 2008

A Rare Moment

Leah actually fell asleep during her nap time yesterday. I went in to
tell her she could get up, and I couldn't find her. She's the slightly
blueish lump in the middle of the bed. She was entirely covered by
the sheet with her head under the quilt. Who can sleep like this?

Posted by Laura at 02:50 PM

September 26, 2008

Reason for Being

I knew the warming drawer must have some useful purpose.


Posted by Laura at 02:58 PM

September 25, 2008

Just Two

She only has the 2 bottom teeth featured here.

Done with Mommy's silliness.

Posted by Laura at 08:06 PM

September 24, 2008

Lots More





Posted by Laura at 09:56 PM

September 23, 2008

11 Months


Posted by Laura at 10:02 PM

September 22, 2008

Window Watcher

Our house has tall windows everywhere. They're
kind of hard to place furniture around, but Zoe
appreciates them.

Posted by Laura at 11:10 AM

September 21, 2008

Genetics at Work

Not flattering, but very telling.

Posted by Laura at 09:44 AM

September 20, 2008

Home on the Hammock




Posted by Laura at 04:00 PM

September 19, 2008

Payback is a Princess

With some of Leah's favorite toys temporarily relegated to the basement
she decided to accessorize Zoe with a tiara.

Posted by Laura at 10:35 AM

September 18, 2008

Tasty Dollhouse

We actually had to put Leah's favorite toy, her doll house,
in the basement awhile. Zoe just couldn't stop munching
on all of the tiny housewares.

Posted by Laura at 03:59 PM

September 17, 2008

The End of Summer

Thanks to our Mid-Atlantic friends for coming to see us while we were
in Maryland.


Posted by Laura at 09:56 AM

September 16, 2008


But I hope she learns to smile with her mouth closed some day.

Posted by Laura at 01:05 PM

September 15, 2008


Grandma got lots of help making biscuits.

And Zoe got lots of help at the water table.

Posted by Laura at 08:25 PM

September 14, 2008

Lookin' Goofy


Posted by Laura at 08:42 PM

September 12, 2008

Zoe's First Day

Zoe started Mother's Day Out yesterday (once a week). I have to admit
I was a little disappointed when she didn't care that I was leaving. Part
of me wanted her to cry -- not for very long, but a little separation anxiety
would have been nice. Is that so wrong?

Posted by Laura at 07:54 AM

September 10, 2008

At Last

They can actually play together now.



Posted by Laura at 11:55 AM

September 09, 2008

Leah and Her Cows

Every time we're in Maryland we visit with the neighbor's cows that hang
out behind the house. This time I finally got a picture of it. Leah was
very excited, but she didn't trust the efficacy of the electric fence. It was
hard to get her to look at the camera because she kept checking over her
shoulder to see if they were coming too close.

Posted by Laura at 01:25 PM

September 08, 2008

Visiting Bowlsbeys

The house in Maryland has a lot of cemeteries near it, and Leah
wanted to know what they were. I explained their purpose, and
Leah wanted to go to one. (She is very interested in all death-related
things.) So we walked over and visited the graves of several
relatives including Leah's and Zoe's great-great-grandparents.

Posted by Laura at 10:31 AM

September 07, 2008


Collecting pears with Chloe.

Participating in the lively conversation from Becky's lap.

Posted by Laura at 09:15 PM

September 05, 2008

Tea Time

Mom and I decided the next generation was ready to join in
our tea tradition. Leah liked the hats and jewelry. Zoe liked
the scones.


Posted by Laura at 09:45 AM

September 04, 2008

Flying Firsts

The girls and I headed to Maryland last week. It was Zoe's first flight
and also her first bout of motion sickness. (Although I admit she looks
peaceful during her short nap.)

It was Leah's first "big girl" flight with a seatbelt. The plane only had 2
seats per side, so she even got to sit across the aisle from me. She
enjoyed reading, watching a movie, snacking on warm, Midwest Airlines
cookies, and generally being grown up. The return flight was an even
bigger hit because of the cute pilot that sat next to her.

Posted by Laura at 09:41 AM

September 03, 2008

First Day

Leah was very excited.

Posted by Laura at 10:06 AM