Abby likes to dance. Here she models Kate's shoes and her own
new dance leotard. These get worn at least every other day...
and not just at home either.
Kate is working on a labor intensive map of the United States. It has
been challenging to stay focused and have fun. Aunt Erin, Unlce David
& Graham to the rescue. They sent this hilarious book, The
Scrambled States of America, and Kate is having fun learning again!
Kate and Abby made fast friends with our friends Alan Sr., Bambi, Dana,
AJ and Ciara. It was old home week and so fun!
As you can tell by previous posts, we read a lot in our home. I never
get over how cute it is!
In other news, Abby is napping in the NEW bed! As Mom would have
said, "Allelulia!"
Abigial got a new bed because she kept crawling (and falling) out of
her crib.
Because she got a new bed, Abigail did not take a nap and thus slept
on the floor after passing out from pure exhaustion.